Franzefoss AS

Annual employee surveys

Franzefoss AS chose Assessit to conduct an employee survey for the entire organization. Prior to the survey, we had to develop a questionnaire for Franzefoss which was adapted the company’s values ​​and challenges. We then conducted the survey. Most of the questionnaires were sent out by e-mail, but there were a few drivers who did not have an e-mail address and so required special follow-up action.

Additionally, Assessit held workshops with the corporate management team as well as the management teams in the various subsidiaries.

The employee survey conducted by Assessit will be repeated annually.

Fact box

Employee survey

About the client
Franzefoss AS works with crushed stone and recycling activities through its subsidiaries Franzefoss Pukk AS and Franzefoss Gjenvinning AS as well as development of the Franzefoss facility via the company Franzefossbyen AS.